R – subsonic . navigate among records ,view,query


i'm some newbie in this matter of .net
i'm trying understand this new paradigm
i began with linq for SQl

but i found this library, kind of framework of T4
more specifically: subsonic T4

i think it could be very usefull

but the support docs outside are very scarce

my first intention is use them in the very simple form: a catalog
lets say… Users

how can i use the model generated with subsonic
( using the iactiverecord)

to implement the record-navigational part.,…???!!!

i mean
i want a simple form
to create, delete or modify records
and that is fairy easy

what about to move among records ?

i found how to get the first, the last record..

but how can i advance or go back among them???

how can i order the records..?

it seems everytime imust query the table..
its so?

but how can imove among the records i already got?

all of the exmples found are very simple
dont touch the matter and/ or are repetitive everywhere

so.. please

if anybody can help me
or give more references…

i'd thank you a lot

gmo camilo

Best Answer

SubSonic can return a List of your objects if you call ExecuteTypedList or ToList on a query e.g.

 List<Product> products = Products.All().ToList();

Once you've got a List then you can move around it in memory. Have a look at the following references to learn more about collections in .net:

  1. System.Collections.Generic Namespace
  2. IEnumerable<(Of <(T>)>) Interface
  3. List<(Of <(T>)>) Class