R – Subversion and using IIS for ASP.NET development

asp.netiissvnversion control

I'm a total newbie to SVN and haven't been able to find an answer for the following situation.

I have an ASP .NET 2.0 web app that I am developing. I am using my local IIS as the development web server (i.e. not the Visual Studio web development server). My development environment is VS2005, Vista, IIS7, TortoiseSVN / AnkhSVN. VisualSVN is installed on the server.

My .sln files and class libraries, etc. are located in the **C:\Localsource\Projects\ProjectName** folder, and my .aspx files are in my **C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ProjectName** folder.

I can set up the repository for **C:\Localsource\Projects\ProjectName** fine, but can't think of a way to set it up for the IIS folder as well in the same repository.

What's the best way for dealing with this development environment in SVN?

Many thanks,


Best Answer

In a solution in Visual Studio you can have a class library project which is usually in a directory underneath the .sln file.

In this case he also has a web project within the solution but NOT underneath the .sln file in the file directory structure.

He will be attaching to this project via HTTP not via local file path.

IIS will manage this as http://localhost/webapp and by default will place it in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webapp. The files in webapp folder will not be in the repo as they arent in the hierachy of the solution and the class library. This is his question how to sort it out.

My answer is to move http://localhost/webapp to point to a folder that is underneath the .sln file and adjacent to the class library directory then it can all go in the repo.

Seperating the class library and the the webapp is best practice to aide code re-use and decoupling the logic from the web site.