Subversion Repository Layout


Most subversion tools create a default repository layout with /trunk, /branches and /tags. The documentation also recommends not using separate repositories for each project, so that code can be more easily shared.

Following that advice has led to me having a repository with the following layout:


and so on, you get the idea. Over time, I've found this structure a bit clumsy and it occurred to me that there's an alternative interpretation of the recommendations, such as:


So, which layout do people use, and why? Or – is there another way to do things that I've completely missed?

Best Answer

I find that the Subversion Repository Layout blog post summarizes this pretty well:

(...) there are several common layouts that have been adopted by the community as best practices and therefore one could think of these as recommendations. If your repository is accessible to the public, following these conventions might make it easier for users that have accessed other Subversion repositories to find what they are looking for.

There are two commonly used layouts:


This first layout is the best option for a repository that contains a single project or a set of projects that are tightly related to each other. This layout is useful because it is simple to branch or tag the entire project or a set of projects with a single command:

svn copy url://repos/trunk url://repos/tags/tagname -m "Create tagname"

This is probably the most commonly used repository layout and is used by many open source projects, like Subversion itself and Subclipse. This is the layout that most hosting sites like, and Google Code follow as each project at these sites is given its own repository.

The next layout is the best option for a repository that contains unrelated or loosely related projects.


In this layout, each project receives a top-level folder and then the trunk/branches/tags folders are created beneath it. This is really the same layout as the first layout, it is just that instead of putting each project in its own repository, they are all in a single repository. The Apache Software Foundation uses this layout for their repository which contains all of their projects in one single repository.

With this layout, each project has its own branches and tags and it is easy to create them for the files in that project using one command, similar to the one previously shown:

svn copy url://repos/ProjectA/trunk url://repos/ProjectA/tags/tagname -m "Create tagname"

What you cannot easily do in this layout is create a branch or tag that contains files from both ProjectA and ProjectB. You can still do it, but it requires multiple commands and you also have to decide if you are going to make a special folder for the branches and tags that involve multiple projects. If you are going to need to do this a lot, you might want to consider the first layout.

So, to paraphrase:

  • Use the first layout for a single or multiple related projects.
  • Use the second layout for non related projects.

The whole post is worth the read.