Bash – supervisord stopping child processes


One of the problems, I face with supervisord is that when I have a command which in turn spawns another process, supervisord is not able to kill it.

For example I have a java process which when runs normally is like

 $ start-foreground
 $ ps -eaf | grep zk
 user 30404 28280  0 09:21 pts/2    00:00:00 bash start-foreground
 user 30413 30404 76 09:21 pts/2    00:00:10 java -Dzookeeper.something..something

The supervisord config file looks like:

[program:zookeeper] start-foreground

These kind of processes which have multiple childs are not well handled by supervisord when it comes to stopping them from supervisorctl. So when I run this from the supervisord and try to stop it from supervisorctl, only the top level process gets killed but not the actual java process.

Best Answer

The same problem was encountered by Rick Hanlon II here:

Option stopasgroup=true should be set in the program section for supervisord to stop not only the parent process but also the child processes.

The example is given as:

 command=python runserver

Also, have in mind that you may have an older package of supervisord that does not have "stopasgroup" functionality. I tried these Debian packages on Raspberry Pi:

  • supervisor_3.0a8 does not work.
  • supervisor_3.0b2-1 works as expected.
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