SVN Commit error: Can’t open file txn-current-lock Permission denied


I can do checkouts, update and such. But when I try to commit changes, SVN gives me the following error:

Can't open file '/svn/p/pokemonium/code/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied

I am using Windows 7 x64 SP1 with latest version of TortoiseSVN.
UAC is off, my account has read and write access, etc.

I can commit fine to other svn repositorys.

Best Answer

For me it ended up being a permissions issue on the server. I have my repo on a linux box, and ssh in to use svnadmin. For convenience sake, I had executed my create repository command as root. I was looking to get source I had on my Windows box into the repo, so was using TortoiseSVN to set up trunk/branches/tags. The directory containing the repo on the server was owned by root, and Tortoise was coming in as apache. I chowned the directory on the server to apache:apache, and it all went smoothly.

chown apache:apache -R my_repo_root
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