R – SVN Commit query

svnversion control

Is it correct to use Tortoise SVN Commit for a project that is building successfully, but has compile time errors?

Best Answer

The short answer: Sure.

The long answer: Sure, as long as you're not committing to a branch that other people will expect to be working.

Often developers will commit their daily work in order to make sure it's saved in the repository in case of local machine failure. This is a valid development strategy. However, it's generally accompanied by some kind of SVN branching strategy where developers have a branch to commit to that isn't considered production (or even QA) ready. Developers will work in these branches until they consider their code to be done, and then merge it into trunk or a QA branch where it can be tested.

You don't want to commit non-working code to a branch that people expect to be working at all times, otherwise you're going to have to wear the Beanie of Shame.