Syntax to define a NHibernate Filter with Fluent Nhibernate


It seems I can't find the correct syntax to define a nhibernate filter using fluent Nhibernate.

I'm trying to follow this ayende's blogpost:

I defined the formula on my property with .FormulaIs() method but can't find on google how to translate this definition to fluent nhibernate:

 < filter-def name='CultureFilter'>
   < filter-param name='CultureId' type='System.Int32'/>
 < /filter-def> 

Best Answer

If you build Fluent from source, there is now support for filters. You use them like this:

First create a class inheriting from FluentNHibernate.Mapping.FilterDefinition:

using FluentNHibernate.Mapping;

namespace PonyApp.FluentFilters
    public class PonyConditionFilter : FilterDefinition
        public PonyConditionFilter()

In your ClassMap for your class, use the ApplyFilter method:

namespace PonyApp.Entities.Mappings
    public class PonyMap : ClassMap<Pony>
        public PonyMap()
            Id(x => x.Id);
            Map(x => x.PonyName);
            Map(x => x.PonyColor);
            Map(x => x.PonyCondition);
            ApplyFilter<PonyConditionFilter>("PonyCondition = :condition");

Then add the filter to your fluent config:

    .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.Add(typeof(PonyConditionFilter)))
    //blah blah bunches of other important stuff left out

Then you can turn it on and off just as you would with vanilla NHibernate:

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