WordPress – Template Dropdown not showing up within WordPress administrator page


I am working on a WordPress-based project, and I just added a new template to the installation by uploading a template file. I was creating a new page that will use my new template, when suddenly, the "Template" dropdown in the "Page Attributes" box is gone.

I am using WordPress 3.0.1.

I saw a site which told me to revert to the default template, and back to my custom template. Apparently it worked, but I am still baffled on what triggers this bug. Also, any additional knowledge or pointers on this bug would be a great help since my job requires me to patch this (and possibly submit the bug fix to WordPress). Thanks!

Best Answer

If you have disabled or removed the style.css from the template directory then also it will not work.

So there must be the style.css on template directory then the templates directory will be shown. When you try to remove the style.css from the template directory or using style.css from css folder, then you must be put one style.css on template directory.


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