R – Text wrapping inconsistent in Firefox 3 on PC only


This is a recurring problem I have in Firefox 3.0. It seems when I keep refreshing sometimes it wraps, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't wrap, I can adjust the window size and the sIFR'd element will snap to its correct size. I need my elements to wrap on load, based on the width of it's container.

I have the most current 'nightly build' of sIFR 3.0.

I want to sIFR a h2 tag. The h2 tag is enclosed in a div, and both have set widths.

<div class="recipe-title">
   <h2>This is a recipe title</h2>

In my sifr.js file, I have the following parameters set:

forceWidth = true; 
fitExactly = true; 
preventWrap = false;

My .sifr.CSS file looks like this:

@media screen {
  .sIFR-active .recipe-title h2 { width:455px; font-size:16px; text-transform:uppercase; }

And my normal CSS file looks like this:

.recipe-title, .recipe-title h2 { width:400px; }

Everything else seems to work in all other browsers except for FF3 on PC only. Is this a known bug?

Best Answer

sIFR may be initializing too early. Easiest fix is to set sIFR.useDomLoaded = false; before sIFR.activate(), which will wait until page load before replacing the elements.

You can also look into using sIFR.useStyleCheck = true; which needs a bit more CSS but will wait until the CSS has loaded.