R – TFrame inheritance refactoring


Yet another TFrame IDE-registered-component question from me. Thanks for all the help, fellow programmers. : )

Playing around with Darrian's TFrame inheritance suggestion here:


Basically, I have a TFrame-based component that I've registered to the IDE, and it has worked wonderfully. I'm now developing a few "sister" components which will share a great deal of the existing component's non-visual functionality and properties. It makes sense, then, to move a lot of that to a parent/superclass which both the new and the old components can then inherit from.

What is the best way to "refactor" TFrame inheritance in this way? (This may apply to TForm-class descendants too, not sure). What are the caveats and things to watch out for?


I tried, for example, creating a new TFrame, with nothing on it, and calling that frame TMyBaseFrame. Then modified the class definition of my existing component (Let's call it TMyFrameTreeView) to inherit from that rather than TFrame.

It compiled fine, but when I tried dropping it on a form, I got "ClientHeight not found" (or "ClientHeight property not found"), and it wouldn't drop on the form. Deleting ClientHeight and ClientWidth from the related DFM wreaked havoc, and they ended up replaced upon resizing anyway. I noticed ExplicitHeight and ExplicitWidth in descendent classes, and am thinking that relates to property-value overrides from inherited values, but am not sure. Recreating an entirely new frame via New -> Inherited Items, and then copying everything over, hasn't yielded great results yet either.

Final Note

I realize this could get messy quickly, with streaming DFM files and multiple generations of descendants, etc…. which is part of why I'm asking for the overall "things to look out for" conceptual aspect, but also giving a specific real-world simpler version of the problem as well (which seems to me, ought to be doable).

I've created a little test package to hack around in learning attempts, and am learning a great deal, but it's slow-going, and any guidance/insight from you Delphi "Jedi Masters" out there would be MOST appreciated. : )

Answer update later:

Both of the answers below were helpful. As well, creating a "Base Frame Class" which has NO changes from the normal TFrame, and THEN inheriting from that before adding any properties, methods, etc. seems to stabilize the inheritance streaming tremendously. Not sure why, but so far it has.

Best Answer

In addition to changing base class of TMyFrameTreeView to TMyBaseFrame change the first word in the dfm file for TMyFrameTreeView from object to inherited.