Iphone – the default color for navigation bar buttons on the iPhone


I'm adding a segmented control to a navigation bar in my iPhone app. By default the color of the segmented control matches the color of the navigation bar. I want to match the color of the segmented control to other buttons in the navigation bar (like the back navigation button).

Can anyone tell me an RGB value (or a system color) that matches the default color of UIButtonBarItems that have been added to a UINavigationBar with a style of UIBarStyleDefault?

Best Answer

After a while, I realized that the iPhone was applying a blue gradient to the button, so the tint needed to be pretty gray. I finally hit on this HSV combination which is pretty darn perfect. Note that as per the documentation, all values are specified as float values between 0 and 1.

Hue: 0.6

Saturation: 0.33

Value: 0.69

Alpha: 0

I hope this saves a couple hours of work for some other developer.