.net – the preferred way to find focused control in WinForms app


What is the preferred/easiest way to find the control that is currently receiving user (keyboard) input in WinForms?

So far I have come up with the following:

public static Control FindFocusedControl(Control control)
    var container = control as ContainerControl;
    return (null != container
        ? FindFocusedControl(container.ActiveControl)
        : control);

From a form, this can be called simply as (in .NET 3.5+ this could even be defined as an extension method on the form) –

var focused = FindFocusedControl(this);

Is this appropriate?

Is there a built-in method that I should be using instead?

Note that a single call to ActiveControl is not enough when hierarchies are used. Imagine:

            TextBox (focused)

(formInstance).ActiveControl will return reference to TableLayoutPanel, not the TextBox (because ActiveControl seems to only be returning immediate active child in the control tree, while I'm looking for the leaf control).

Best Answer

If you have other calls to the Windows API already, there's no harm in using Peters solution. But I understand your worries about it and would tend to a similar solution as yours, using only the Framework functionalities. After all, the performance difference (if there is one) shouldn't be significant.

I would take a non recursive approach:

public static Control FindFocusedControl(Control control)
    var container = control as IContainerControl;
    while (container != null)
        control = container.ActiveControl;
        container = control as IContainerControl;
    return control;