R – The wrong url is showing up for the site in google searches


Hey folks. I have a client who's old website was called toastkid.com. I set up a new site, alekskrotoski.com, and had the old www.toastkid.com domain point to the new site. I have a 301 redirect working, so when you go to www.toastkid.com the address bar updates to alekskrotoski.com. So, the 301 is definitely working fine.

However, i also expected that google would update it's search results to say alekskrotoski.com, effectively transferring all the google juice over. But, it still says www.toastkid.com in a search for 'aleks krotoski'. I did the redirect on thursday night (3 days ago at time of writing) and thought it would have taken effect by now. How long would it normally take for google to update its index? Is there anything i can do to speed it up? Could there be anything stopping it? The site is already registered and verified with google webmaster.

Grateful for any advice – max

Best Answer

Easy. A few days are not going to cut it, it can take weeks until a change has arrived in the index.

To gain information about how Google sees your page, you can register with Google Webmaster Tools. Maybe if you register both sites, and add a Sitemap, you can make Google aware of the transition faster.

Otherwise, just wait. The change is going to take effect eventually.

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