Node.js – Typescript Error: Property ‘user’ does not exist on type ‘Request’


I have the following piece of code in my express app

router.get('/auth/userInfo', this.validateUser,  (req, res) => {

and my IDE seems to be complaining with the error

error TS2339: Property 'user' does not exist on type 'Request'.

When I compile my typescript code it seems to be throwing this error. Any ideas why this is happening?

Best Answer

We have a large API written in Express and Typescript, and this is how we handle such scenarios:

We keep the request definitions in one file:

import { Request } from "express"
export interface IGetUserAuthInfoRequest extends Request {
  user: string // or any other type

And then in the file where we are writing the controller functions:

import { Response } from "express"
import { IGetUserAuthInfoRequest } from "./definitionfile"

app.get('/auth/userInfo', validateUser,  (req: IGetUserAuthInfoRequest, res: Response) => {
  res.status(200).json(req.user); // Start calling status function to be compliant with Express 5.0

Be advised that "user" is not a property that is available natively in the Request object of Express. Make sure that you are using a middleware that adds such property to the request object.