Iphone – UIScrollView – with paging enabled, can I “change” the page width


What's the simplest way to have a scroll view (with pagingEnabled set to YES) have a page width set to something other than the scroll view's bounds?

Let me give an example. Suppose I have a scroll view with 10 items, each 150 pixels wide, and my scroll view is 300 pixels wide. If I start with views 1 and 2 visible and scroll horizontally to the right, I want the next "page" to show items 2 and 3. If I scroll one more page to the right, I would see items 3 and 4.

Has anyone done this? If not, what strategy would you use?

Best Answer

Alexander Repty just blogged about this very topic: http://blog.proculo.de/archives/180-Paging-enabled-UIScrollView-With-Previews.html. Short answer: it's not as simple as just changing the width of the 'page', but it's not too hard.