Unable to load Private Key. (PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:648:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY)


I have a .key file which is PEM formatted private key file. I didn't make this file but I got this from somewhere.

I wanted to see its MD5 hash with openssl tool like below command.

openssl rsa -in server.key -modulus -noout

But this generates below error.

unable to load Private Key
13440:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:.\crypto\pem\pem_lib.c:648:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY

Here's some asn1parse of the .key file.

openssl asn1parse -in server.key
0:d=0  hl=4 l= 603 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim: INTEGER           :00
7:d=1  hl=3 l= 129 prim: INTEGER           :C141201603899993919CBAA56985E9C7
139:d=1  hl=2 l=   3 prim: INTEGER           :010001
144:d=1  hl=3 l= 128 prim: INTEGER           :1687B9AE67562CEDEBDD7A531B84CDB7


Is there anything more I can try?

Best Answer

Open the key file in Notepad++ and verify the encoding. If it says UTF-8-BOM then change it to UTF-8. Save the file and try again.

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