R – Usability: Should the ENTER key close a wizard form as OK even if the focus is not set on the OK/DONE button


I have the in my opinion odd request to close a wizard form as Done or OK if Enter was pressed on the keyboard even if the OK/DONE button is not focused.

In my opinion that would be a usability mistake. For example: In the wizard you may have multiple controls, buttons, check boxes, multiple line controls and they all have a different behavior on actions from the ENTER key. And don't forget the other buttons in the navigation of the wizard, what if they are focused?

Should these controls don't react on Enter like expected before? Should they do their actions but in other cases where Enter does no further action for the control it should close the form == inconsistent?

I think that is a typical request where the needs of one person would help him but confuse many other.

In my opinion Wizards are very special because they are not only made to make things easier but also very often focus on people with less experience with the functionality of an application. So I take every request serious and try to look into all arguments for and against the request.

Is my point of view to narrow? Are there some usability studies or guidelines especially for Wizards to backup my opinion or maybe proof me wrong?

Thank you very much!


Best Answer

I think the key is to test. You can't really guess what your users will find comfortable, you have to watch them try it. Especially since there are multiple incompatible standards you could follow, you are just going to have to see if this change works for most users in your audience.

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