R – Use Oracle 6 from ASP.NET application


I have an ASP.NET 2.0 web application. It uses "System.Data.OracleClient, Version=" to access an oracle database.
I get the following exception on connection:
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.
I looked it up and found several articles/posts that say that the error is misleading and it is caused by some security issues of ASP.NET user trying to access oracle HOME folder.
However in my case my client's oracle client is indeed older that 8.1.7. In fact it is version 6! I know this is very old but you understand that this cannot change.
What other alternatives do I have?

Best Answer

You might be confusing the Oracle Forms version numbering with the Oracle Database Server numbering. Oracle server version 6 was released back in '88 and I doubt that it would run under any current OS. Oracle Forms 6.0 was more recent (maybe ten years old) and runs quite happily on Windows XP as I recall.

That said, Forms 6.0 would have used the SQL*net 8.0 client which would still give the problem. If you type tnsping on the command line, that might give you a version number.

You can download a (free) InstantClient from the oracle web site. This can be unzipped on the same machine as another Oracle client. You may have to play a bit with path settings to make sure that the correct client is picked up by the .Net

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