Vb.net – Using DataGridView to Update Multiple Tables


On a VB.NET 2008 form I have a DataGridView, BindingSource and TableAdapter.

The BindingSource DataSource is a dataset.

In the dataset I have a Fill command that joins three tables and this is displayed without a problem in the DataGridView.

However, I am unable to Update the dataGridView because it has multiple tables from a single TableAdapter?

Does anyone know a simple way I can update. The tables has over 200 columns and I only want to update the columns that are changed. If I use a single table I can edit data in the DataGridView and the database is updated ok.

Any help would be appreciated?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, the Windows.Forms BindingSource, does not support complex properties (which I assume you are after).

You would have to craft your own custom BindingSource (and it will likely be bespoke to you) to handle complex property values and assignments.