Windows – Using Windows 8 pro as the development machine

development-environmentwindowswindows 7windows 8

I'm about to buy a new laptop that I intend to use primarily for software development/testing/debugging and was wondering if it is safe to get one with Windows 8 pro OS installed? Or should I stick with Win 7?

I primarily do MS based development (i.e. visual studio, .net, IIS, sql server), but I also do a lot of PHP/Apache/Mysql work as well. I dont want to get into the situation where some software tool I use works in win7 but not in win8.

Anyone know of any issues I could come across on Win 8 or any software tools that doesn't work on Win 8?

Also, does anyone find themselves less productive using Win 8, in terms of speed to get things done?

Best Answer

By going with Windows 7 you're precluding doing any Windows 8 Phone or Store app development, learning, running samples, etc. (unless of course you go with a VM, which will require a separate System Builder license). Even if you're not planning to build store apps now, I'd say don't close off the ability to tinker around and keep up with the tech, etc.

As a developer, you'll probably spend most of your time in the desktop mode, which will be familiar territory. The replacement of the "Start Button" with the "Start Screen" has gotten a lot of play, and yes there is a learning curve, but it's far from insurmountable. And there are even third party offerings to give you start button functionality. I will say though, that as a dev on Windows 8, multi-monitor setup is key (and perhaps it was already for you :))

To Anri's point, if anything Win8 is speedier, faster boot times, faster network connection times, and a few other improvements for traditional devs as well.