Vertical line problem in the detail section of Crystal report


I have a little problem with the vertical lines in Detail section. In detail section at the end there is horizontal line. Also I have Report Footer section which displays total number of records. I suppressed Page Footer section.
I would like end all the vertical lines to the last line of the records not to extend beyond the "Total"(Report Footer).
It works fine if everything on the same page. The problem starts when the last line of the detail is on the first page and the "Total" wouldn't fit on the first page. It displays "Total" on the second page and it draws vertical lines to the end of the page.

Thanks for any suggestion.

Best Answer

I faced the same problem recently and resolved it just now. Just want to share what I did to resolve this problem for those who are stuck in this CR dilemma :).

Create a detail section below the detail section with the vertical lines then suppress it.

That's it! worked like a charm. Hope this helps.

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