R – video playback problems in iphone

iphonevideo streamingxcode

I have downloaded sample code from apple center.
I also have gone through following question

iphone video playback coding

Let me explain what my problem is..

  • I executes Downloaded code first time
  • Video runs perfectly without any blinking (smooth playing)
  • I press done button on top-left corner of media player.
  • ok video is stopped now.
  • Now I again start video play
  • Video isn't playing as good as previously.
  • There is some problem in video playing.

  • Now, I have implemented the same code – for playing video – in my application.

  • Let me know, Where am I making mistakes?

Thanks in advance for your humble help to me.

Best Answer

Yes, I have seen this issue when playing video on the simulator when using a custom overlay . It works for me on the actual device.

Here is some discussion about video playback differences between the two: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=6898360

Have you tested on the actual device?

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