R – VS 2008 SP1 over Remote Desktop: Constant Repainting

performanceremote desktopvisual studiovisual-studio-2008

The text editor in Visual Studio 2008 was very fast over Remote Desktop.

The text editor in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 is very slow over Remote Desktop, causing way too much repainting (and resulting flickering). The slower your connection is, the worse the problem is, but it's aggravating enough even when RDPing into a machine on the same LAN.

The problem seems to be limited to Visual Studio. Doing the same editing actions in another editor (like Notepad and Notepad2) are quite fast with no full-editor repainting.

Anybody know what's causing it, and can anything be done about it?

The machine in question is running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise. I've noticed it RDPing it from a variety of OSes, including Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

Things I've tried that haven't made any difference:

  • Changing the font to Arial Black
  • Using a non-TrueType font
  • Turning off change tracking
  • Turning off addins (I'm running TD.NET, Refactor! Pro, and GhostDoc)
  • Turning off Animate Tools (that was already off, but I thought I'd list it anyway)
  • Turning off the Navigation Bar

Update: For the moment, the problem seems solved, because in VS2010 Beta 1, the painting issue over RDP is now gone.

Best Answer

Try disabling Font Smoothing in your RDP options before you connect. Fixed it for me. It makes everything look rather grainy (changing the Environment font in VS to Arial 10pt helps there) but now no flicker at least. I'll take grainy with no flicker over that annoying flicker. It was going to give me seizures.

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