Visual-studio – VS2010 Error in Recycling IIS Application Pool: Not Found

application-pooliissharepointvisual studio

I'm making a Sharepoint visual web part in Visual Studio 2010 and it seems like out of nowhere I started receiving the error: "Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Not found"

In the output for my program it says which application pool it's looking for and I know it exists because it shows up in IIS Manager

Now I've already tried resetting IIS, along with recycling the application pool manually in IIS Manager.

Really I'm sort of at the end of my rope and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This usually happens when the user that has run Visual Studio doesn't have rights to Recycle the IIS application pool.

To solve this, run visual studio with some user who has rights (shift + right button -> run as different user) or try to follow this: