Way to know the URL of the SVN server


Right now, we are having problems allowing the client to access the SVN server because of the unknown host name error. Is there an error which will tell the correct SVN server URL from the server computer?

I am on Collabnet Subversion Server and the client uses TortoiseSVN.

Best Answer

"unknown host name error" means that for some reason you cannot access the host that you mention in the URL you are trying to use with Subversion. For example, if your URL is http://myCollabnetSubversionServerName/svn/mySuperProject/trunk then it means that you cannot reach myCollabnetSubversionServerName. Can the client computer see the myCollabnetSubversionServerName server?

Oh sorry, to also answer the question itself: Usually the URL of a repository is http:// or https:// followed by the name of the server computer if you are in a LAN, or the domain name if your server is on the Internet, maybe followed by the port your web server listens to (if it is default you don't have to put this), followed by svn, followed by the repository name.

