WCF self-hosted service with transport security (Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.)


I have a self-hosted service that I want to add transport security to.
I've set WSHttpBinding.SecurityMode to Transport and the ClientCredentialType to HttpClientCredentialType.None.
I've created a certificate and set it to my host with
I've also registered it using
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=[MyCertHash] certstorename=MY appid=[TheGuidOfTheAppTahtRunsTheService] verifyclientcertrevocation=disable

I'm getting the following error message whenever I try to call the service:
"Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream."

Does this mean the the client and server try to authenticate each other? How can I disable it?
To make things clear, I do not want to install a certificate at the client, I'm not looking for any authentication atm, just securing the messages content, if that's even possible.

Best Answer

This MSDN post may help solve your problem. The initial request in the post is to configure a different security mode than yours but they switch to Transport mode for troubleshooting and that info should apply to your situation.

If what you describe is all you've done to install the certificate then you're missing a few steps. The post outlines the process to get a valid certificate installed. Good luck!!

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