R – Web-Developer’s Project Template Directory


IMPORTANT: The accepted answer was accepted post-bounty, not necessarily because I felt it was the best answer.

I find myself doing things over and over when starting new projects. I create a folder, with sub-folders and then copy over some standard items like a css reset file, famfamfam icons, jquery, etc.

This got me thinking what the ideal starting template would be. The reason I'm asking is that I'm going through once again and am wondering what I should include in my template so that I don't have to go back in the future and do this all over again with every new site I start.

What I currently have follows:

Project Template Folder

  • index.html — XHTML 1.0 Strict Doctype. Meta Tags. CSS/js Files Referenced.
  • css/
    • default.css — Empty. Reserved for user-styles.
    • 960/ — 960 Grid System for CSS Layouts.
      • 960.css
      • reset.css
      • text.css
  • js/
    • default.js — Empty. Reserved for user-scripts.
    • jQuery/ — Light-Weight Javascript Framework
      • jquery-1.3.1.min.js
  • img/
    • famfamfam/ — Excellent collection of png icons
      • icons/
        • accept.png
        • add.png
        • …etc

Best Answer

I have a similar structure and naming convention but for CSS, I use BluePrint which I find is more extensible. Also prefer jQuery having recently switched from prototype. In addition I have a common.js file that is an extension with custom functions for jQuery.

A /db/ folder with .sql files containing schema definitions. A /lib/ folder for common middle-tier libraries.

I will also have a /src/ folder which will sometimes have raw files such as Photoshop templates, readme's, todo lists etc.