– Web project requires missing web component ASP.NET Web pages with Razor syntax

I Migrate my project to mvc 5.0 and razor engin 3 with Microsoft Instruction

But when open my solution Get this:
enter image description here

The Web project 'ProjectName' requires missing web components to run with Visual Studio. Would you like to download and install them using the Web Platform Installer now?
(Note: Some components might require restart to take effect.)

ASP.NET Web pages with Razor syntax

I also read this and this

but these answer doesn't help me
I appreciate for any help

My Project Build Very well and works without any exception with razor 3 and mvc 5 but just Intellisense doesn't sense my Typing and coloring my Code

and also when change this line to Value="" in Application web Config file above error vanish and intelisens works fine

    <add key="webpages:Version" **value=""** />

After some while, now you can user razor 3 on vs 2012.
Here you can upgrade

Best Answer

I had this problem after installing Visual Studio 2012.

What solved for me was installing the Visual Studio Updates:

  1. Tools> Extensions And Updates
  2. Select "Updates" in the accordion list on the left.
  3. Select "Product Updates".
  4. Update to the newest version (At the time of writing of this answer it was Update 4)