.net – WebClient vs. HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse


It seems to me that most of what can be accomplished with HttpWebRequest/Response can also be accomplished with the WebClient class. I read somewhere that WebClient is a high-level wrapper for WebRequest/Response.
So far, I can't see anything that can be accomplished with HttpWebRequest/Response that can not be accomplished with WebClient, nor where HttpWebRequest/Response will give you more "fine-grained" control.

When should I use WebClient and when HttpWebRequest/Response? (Obviously, HttpWebRequest/Response are HTTP specific.)

If HttpWebRequest/Response are lower level then WebClient, what can I accomplish with HttpWebRequest/Response that I cannot accomplish with WebClient?

Best Answer

Using HttpWebRequest gives you more control on the request. You can set cookies, headers, protocol, etc... In the response, you can also retrieve the cookies and headers