R – What are some methods of analyzing a website for user experience, usability, and accessibility

accessibilityusabilityuser interfaceuser-experience

I'm a recent graduate who is looking to get a job doing user experience. Next week, I have a technical interview in which I will be given a website and will have to talk about its usability issues as well as come up with ways of improving the user experience. I feel I have the natural skills to do this and have been doing a fair amount of reading into the subject, but I would like some further advice on how to effectively critique different kinds of websites.

Does anybody have any suggestions of common faults I should look out for, or advice on ways of structuring my evaluation in order that it is relatively air-tight and I do not miss anything obvious?

As I've said before, I'm already doing a lot of reading and I realize that practice makes perfect. However, I'm hopeful that those that have long-term experience with this can help me by imparting their wisdom on gotchas, common issues, and what to look out for in a good/bad website.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • How easy navigation is

  • Whether a user can easily find what he needs without resorting to "search" function. Edge case: whether a user can find the search input field without using the browser's search function (Ctrl+F)?

  • Whether a site is browsable with images turned off

  • How many clicks it takes to accomplish an operation. Is that many really necessary?

  • Are the most important / frequently used features right there in front of the user?

  • Whether you communicate with the user in geek language

  • Whether you overwhelm the user with long literary texts where one or two words will suffice

  • Whether you use standard ideas in your UI. Do buttons, links and menus look like buttons, links and menus? Do they also work that way?

  • If UI is made up of a limited set of controls with consistent look and behavior? Or each page is unique and has to be learned from scratch?

  • Whether UI is accomplished with mostly 2-3 colors or uses different colors everywhere to look cool

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