R – What are the advantages of using SMS Gateway for sending/receiving text messages


I'm using a Rails application and would like to send/receive text messages through my application. Two solutions I looked at is using SMS Gateway and using a cell phone paired with Bluetooth with my Mac and I have ultraSMS program running that sends SMSs through the phone. The second option is definitely a lot cheaper as SMS gateways charges quite a bit for a dedicated number. The disadvantages of the second option as far as I know are 1. Reliability: phone and computer has to be on and paired at all time 2. Scalability

Is there other major advantages to SMS gateways worth paying for? Are there other alternatives?



Best Answer

If your application is not so critical you can use email to sms. SO has some questions about email to sms. You can search them.

I would prefer an SMS gateway than using a personal mobile phone. You cannot send BULK sms using a mobile phone at the same time. Mobile phones send one sms at a time so its time consuming.

In India SMS gateways are cheaper (for bulk purchases) than mobile phones. You can choose a Sender ID which can contain alphabets and numbers. This is another advantage of bulk sms as it will look more professional.

The Sender ID facility is not available when you send sms using a mobiole phone. Name can be displayed only if the receiver has your number stored.

Anoter advantage is reports. Gateways usually have reports. You can generate customised report. Think about option for delivery report when you send sms through phone ;-)