R – What are the key features/benefits of RIA Services

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I am currently researching .NET RIA Services however I am having trouble finding a definitive list of the benefits of RIA services compared to plain WCF to Silverlight, or event a list of the key components that make up RIA Services. I also find it hard to see where RIA services sits in the development model and exactly what it provides to the developer.

  • Are there any tangible benefits to using RIA as opposed to other options?
  • What are the key components that make up RIA services?
  • What can you do with RIA that you can't do with existing Microsoft / .NET technologies?

Best Answer

Brad Abrams has a series of posts about RIA Sevices, starting with What is .NET RIA Services?. MSDN also has an introduction.

However in summary, the proposition of RIA Services is that the framework code generates a client side layer from your server side (domain) layer. Consequently it exposes your entities client side and takes care of the networking (now using WCF).

Of course you could code this all yourself. The biggest gain with RIA Services is therefore time, providing you are happy to conform to how RIA Services does things.

I have used it for a Silverlight client and found it easy to use, with the necessity to write service layer plumbing taken care of by the framework.