R – What are the server requirements for Silverlight 2


Can a Silverlight 2 enabled web page be managed from an Apache server? (I'm not actually interested in doing this but trying to understand Silverlight 2 a bit more.)

Assuming that I have IIS6 and Server 2003 what are the .NET version requirements to host a web site with Silverlight 2? Are .NET 3.0 and 3.5 required on the server? My thinking is not because this is a client side technology.

Best Answer

Since Silverlight is a browser technology, it is server-agnostic and can be hosted on a variety of server platforms: LAMP, UNIX, and IIS. You don't have to install .NET or any other Microsoft software on the server.

The only configuration required on the web server is to register the MIME types for content being served. If not already registered, you'll have to add following entries.

There are three MIME types required:

  • .xaml - application/xaml+xml
  • .xap - application/x-silverlight-app
  • .xbap - application/x-ms-xbap

Here are some instructions how to do that for Apache and IIS.

Needless to say, some features such as WMS Streaming rely on a server supporting them.