R – What does ^L in (Emacs Lisp) source code mean

elispemacsspecial characters

Several times I see ^L in (mostly Emacs Lisp) source codes that looks like are separators of larger logical groups. Is it their real purpose? And if so, how can I use them? Is there a built-in Emacs functionality that utilize it?

Best Answer

This is a page break.


A page break can also be used for a logical separation of source-code sections. Emacs has commands and key bindings that use page breaks, such as ‘forward-page’ (C-x ] or C-]), ‘backward-page’ (C-x [ or C-[), and 'narrow-to-page' (C-x n p). Other functions, such as ‘mark-page’, operate on the content of a page. See also PageMode.

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