What exactly is a C pointer if not a memory address


In a reputable source about C, the following information is given after discussing the & operator:

… It's a bit unfortunate that the terminology [address of] remains, because it confuses those who don't know what addresses are about, and misleads those who do: thinking about pointers as if they were addresses usually leads to grief…

Other materials I have read (from equally reputable sources, I would say) have always unabashedly referred to pointers and the & operator as giving memory addresses. I would love to keep searching for the actuality of the matter, but it is kind of difficult when reputable sources KIND OF disagree.

Now I am slightly confused–what exactly is a pointer, then, if not a memory address?


The author later says: …I will continue to use the term 'address of' though, because to invent a different one [term] would be even worse.

Best Answer

The C standard does not define what a pointer is internally and how it works internally. This is intentional so as not to limit the number of platforms, where C can be implemented as a compiled or interpreted language.

A pointer value can be some kind of ID or handle or a combination of several IDs (say hello to x86 segments and offsets) and not necessarily a real memory address. This ID could be anything, even a fixed-size text string. Non-address representations may be especially useful for a C interpreter.