R – What factors should effect the Data Access Layer I use on a new project


I will be teaching a class sson, and I need to explain what factors should affect your decision of data access technology.
I am familiar with many data access methods like Typed Data Sets, Linq to SQL, Linq to Entities, .netTiers, LLBLGen, and custom calls with SQL connection objects and command objects.
Some of my clients will only allow stored procedures to be used, and they will NOT discuss anything else.
Some of my clients are NOT ready to install .NET 3.5 yet.
Some clients require a middle web service tier in any web application.
Most of the time I use Types Data Sets and Custom Web Services, or I use .netTiers with CodeSmith. What else should I be thinking about?

Best Answer

Like with all choice's in a software project : It depends... But in my opinion the most important factor is the environment of the project.

This consists of (I don't claim that this list is complete in anyway):

  • Available skills within development team AND maintenance team (if different)
  • Required features
  • Constraints set by clients (not all clients support all technologies available. This certainly something you should take into account when incrementally replacing a legacy system or introducing a new system to a environment)
  • Constraints set by legislation

hope this helps you.