What to return from the DAL to BLL


I currently have an application which consists of:
User Interface (web page)
BLL (Manager & Domain Objects)
DAL (DataAccess class for each of my Domain Objects).

I use the following in the UI to search for a domain object.

protect sub Button1_Click()
    IBook book = BookManager.GetBook(txtID.Text);

Here is my BLL

public class BookManager 
    public static IBook GetBook(string bookId)
        return BookDB.GetBook(bookId);

public class Book : IBook
    private int? _id
    private string _name;
    private string _genre;

    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
        private set 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                throw new Exception("Invalid Name");
            _name = value;

    public string Genre
        get { return _serial; }
        private set 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                throw new Exception("Invalid Genre");
            _genre = value;

    // Other IBook Implementations


And finally here is my DAL

public class BookDB
    public static IBook GetBook(int id)
        // Get Book from database using sproc (not allowed to use any ORM)
        // ?? Create IBook Item?
        // return IBook

How would one create a IBook Object and return it to the Manager?
I'm thinking of returning a DataTable from BookDB to BookManager and having it create the Book Object and return it, but that doesn't seem right.
Is there another way to do this?

I decided to seperate each layer into a project and ran into a circular dependency problem in the DAL layer when trying to add a reference to the BLL.
I can't access the Book Class or Interface or anything in BLL from DAL.
Should i just use ado.net objects here and have my manager create the actual object from the ado.net object?
Here's how its layed out

BLL.Managers - BookManager
BLL.Interfaces IBook
BLL.Domain - Book
DAL - BookDB.


Best Answer

You could create dummy Book objects that contain only data. Get, set properties and member values. This book, has 1 property for each field in the database, but doesn't validate anything.

You fill the object from the db, then send it to the BLL.

When you want to save the object, you also send it to the BLL.

Your classes in the BLL could wrap aroud those objects, if that makes sense. This way, it is easy to just send it back to the DAL.

Dummy Book:

public class DummyBook:IBook 
    private nullable<int> _id;
    private string _name;
    private string _genre;

    public string Id
        get {return _id;}
        set {_id = value;}

    public string Name 
        get {return _name;}
        set {_name = value;}

    public string Genre 
        get {return _genre;}
        set {_genre= value;}


DAL Book:

public class DALBook 
    public static IBook:GetBook(int id) 
        DataTable dt;
        DummyBook db = new DummyBook();

        // Code to get datatable from database
        // ...

        db.Id = (int)dt.Rows[0]["id"];
        db.Name = (string)dt.Rows[0]["name"];
        db.Genre = (string)dt.Rows[0]["genre"];

        return db;

    public static void SaveBook(IBook book) 
        // Code to save the book in the database
        // you can use the properties from the dummy book
        // to send parameters to your stored proc.

BLL Book:

public class Book : IBook
     private DummyBook _book;

     public Book(int id) 
         _book = DALBook.GetBook(id);

     public string Name 
         get {return _book.Name;}
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                throw new Exception("Invalid Name");
            _book.Name = value;

     // Code for other Properties ...

     public void Save()
         // Add validation if required


Edit1: The dummy classes should go in their own project(Model, just as stated in the comments is fine). The references would work as follow:

The DAL References the Model Project.
The BLL References the Model and the DAL.
The UI References the BLL.