Angularjs – When combined with Meteor, what AngularJS can do that Handlebars can not


I am considering using AngularJS instead of Handlebars with MeteorJS. I am more familiar with AngularJS, but it doesn't work well out-of-the-box with Meteor. Handlebars is default templating engine used in MeteorJS.

I would like to know the trade-off between the two, e.g., whether AngularJS provides more flexible front-end coding than Handlebars.

My question is: when pairing with Meteor, what AngularJS can do that Handlebars can not in terms of front-end programming?

(Note that people love AngularJS in part b/c of its two-way binding and data model, but Meteor-Handlebars do these very well too).

Update: Please do not vote to close this question if you think it is a duplicate of another question in SO that compares Angular and Handlebars. Meteor added significant power to Handlebars due to its "database on client" approach.

Best Answer

Angular and Meteor can be combined, and it's a pretty neat combo. Angular's templating system and its two-way bindings (DOM to JS model) can even be made to go the whole way and be kept in sync with a Meteor collection. Such a pairing of Angular and Meteor means you get instantaneous DOM to database syncing, which is very cool. Angular can't do that by itself, nor can Meteor (without writing more or less tedious event handlers) and even less Handlebars.

The angular-meteor Meteor package is pretty much ngMeteor's successor (it builds on ngMeteor code) and integrates Meteor collections with Angular models, the two templating systems, Meteor Session variables etc.

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