Reactjs – When to use React setState callback


When a react component state changes, the render method is called. Hence for any state change, an action can be performed in the render methods body. Is there a particular use case for the setState callback then?

Best Answer

Yes there is, since setState works in an asynchronous way. That means after calling setState the this.state variable is not immediately changed. so if you want to perform an action immediately after setting state on a state variable and then return a result, a callback will be useful

Consider the example below

changeTitle: function changeTitle (event) {
  this.setState({ title: });
validateTitle: function validateTitle () {
  if (this.state.title.length === 0) {
    this.setState({ titleError: "Title can't be blank" });

The above code may not work as expected since the title variable may not have mutated before validation is performed on it. Now you may wonder that we can perform the validation in the render() function itself but it would be better and a cleaner way if we can handle this in the changeTitle function itself since that would make your code more organised and understandable

In this case callback is useful

changeTitle: function changeTitle (event) {
  this.setState({ title: }, function() {

validateTitle: function validateTitle () {
  if (this.state.title.length === 0) {
    this.setState({ titleError: "Title can't be blank" });

Another example will be when you want to dispatch and action when the state changed. you will want to do it in a callback and not the render() as it will be called everytime rerendering occurs and hence many such scenarios are possible where you will need callback.

Another case is a API Call

A case may arise when you need to make an API call based on a particular state change, if you do that in the render method, it will be called on every render onState change or because some Prop passed down to the Child Component changed.

In this case you would want to use a setState callback to pass the updated state value to the API call

changeTitle: function (event) {
  this.setState({ title: }, () => this.APICallFunction());
APICallFunction: function () {
  // Call API with the updated value