Angularjs – Why do we use $rootScope.$broadcast in AngularJS


Tried to find some basic information for AngularJS $rootScope.$broadcast, But the AngularJS documentation doesn't help much. In easy words why do we use this?

Also, inside John Papa's Hot Towel template there is a custom function in the common module named $broadcast:

function $broadcast() {
    return $rootScope.$broadcast.apply($rootScope, arguments);

I did not understand what this is doing. So here are couple of basic questions:

1) What does $rootScope.$broadcast do?

2) What is the difference between $rootScope.$broadcast and $rootScope.$broadcast.apply?

Best Answer

$rootScope basically functions as an event listener and dispatcher.

To answer the question of how it is used, it used in conjunction with rootScope.$on;


$rootScope.$on("hi", function(){
    //do something

However, it is a bad practice to use $rootScope as your own app's general event service, since you will quickly end up in a situation where every app depends on $rootScope, and you do not know what components are listening to what events.

The best practice is to create a service for each custom event you want to listen to or broadcast.

.service("hiEventService",function($rootScope) {
    this.broadcast = function() {$rootScope.$broadcast("hi")}
    this.listen = function(callback) {$rootScope.$on("hi",callback)}