R – Why does this Haskell code work successfully with infinite lists

foldfunctional programminghaskellinfinite

I have some Haskell code that does work correctly on an infinite list, but I do not understand why it can do so successfully. (I modified my original code — that did not handle infinite lists — to incorporate something from some other code online, and suddenly I see that it works but don't know why).

myAny :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
myAny p list = foldr step False list
      step item acc = p item || acc

My understanding of foldr is that it will loop through every item in the list (and perhaps that understanding is incomplete). If so, it should not matter how the "step" function is phrased … the code should be unable to handle infinite loops.

However, the following works:

*Main Data.List> myAny even [1..]

Please help me understand: why??

Best Answer

Let's do a little trace in our heads of how Haskell will evaluate your expression. Substituting equals for equals on each line, the expression pretty quickly evaluates to True:

myAny even [1..]
foldr step False [1..]
step 1 (foldr step False [2..])
even 1 || (foldr step False [2..])
False  || (foldr step False [2..])
foldr step False [2..]
step 2 (foldr step False [3..])
even 2 || (foldr step False [3..])
True   || (foldr step false [3..])

This works because acc is passed as an unevaluated thunk (lazy evaluation), but also because the || function is strict in its first argument.

So this terminates:

True || and (repeat True)

But this does not:

and (repeat True) || True

Look at the definition of || to see why this is the case:

True  || _ =  True
False || x =  x