R – Workflowing an InfoPath form


I have an InfoPath form that requires workflow. The form is build from a cXML schema in BizTalk,then dropped into a forms library for workflow. The user opens the infopath form, reviews and picks one of several options: re-submit, archive, escalate, etc.

My question is how best to workflow this? Do you have the buttons on the form update a status/action field, and have the workflow listen for an onChange event?

Can you update a property on the library, that is not a field on the form? for example, if status is not part of the form schema, but is a column on the document library.

How do ye typically do this?


Best Answer

You don't necessarily need to create an event listener for the forms library. SharePoint workflows can be configured to start only whenever a document in the library is modified.

Hope that helps.


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