R – wpf command custom control binding xaml


i'm building a Videoplayer custom control (Project called WpfCustomControlLibrary1) and want to add a Load Command.

This is what i have added in my class to get this Command:

Public Class VideoPlayer
Inherits Control
Public Shared ReadOnly LoadCommad As RoutedUICommand

Shared Sub New()
    'This OverrideMetadata call tells the system that this element wants to provide a style that is different than its base class.
    'This style is defined in Themes\Generic.xaml
    DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(GetType(VideoPlayer), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(GetType(VideoPlayer)))

    LoadCommad = New RoutedUICommand("Load", "Load Video", GetType(VideoPlayer))
    CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(GetType(VideoPlayer), New CommandBinding(LoadCommad, AddressOf OnLoadExecuted))
End Sub

And this is how i call it from my XAML:

<Button Command="local:VideoPlayer.LoadCommand"
        DockPanel.Dock="Right" Margin="0 5 5 0"
        Width="30" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
        Content="..." />

But when i add this Usercontrol to a new Project like this:

<Window x:Class="Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="442" Width="804">
    <uc:VideoPlayer Source="C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\Bear.wmv" Margin="0,106,369,0"></uc:VideoPlayer>

i get an error that he cant convert the string in the Attribute "Command" into an Object of the Type "System.Windows.Input.ICommand

Does somebody see whats going wrong?

Thanks for helping,

Best Answer

you have a spelling-mistake:

LoadCommad = New RoutedUICommand("Load", "Load Video", GetType(VideoPlayer)) 

should be

LoadCommand = New RoutedUICommand("Load", "Load Video", GetType(VideoPlayer)) 

I don't know if this produces the error, but perhaps.