R – WPF TabControl add extra tabs to a bound control


I have a Tab Control with a ItemsSource Binding.

I want to add a predefined tab to the front called All that has an aggregate of all the other tabs, and I would also like to add a button at the end called Add so I can add a new tab.
Is there an easy way of doing this ?


Best Answer

The easiest way is to go with MVVM (the example in the url acutally contains TabControl bound to a ViewModel). Your ViewModel that you bind your TabPages against could expose an observablecollection of items where the first item is always a ViewModel instance that holds you aggregate data. All follwing items are the ViewModel instances for the rest of the tabpages. Your ViewModel would also expose a ICommand AddTabPage wich adds a new item to the obeservablecollection. The TabPage will pick up this change automatically. You'd have a button whose Command property is bound to this command.

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