Objective-c – Xcode: Possible to auto-create stubs for methods required by Protocol interface

ideinterfaceobjective cprotocolsxcode

Coming from an Eclipse / Java background, one of my favorite features is the ability to quickly stub out all the methods required by an interface. In Eclipse, I can choose 'Override / implement' from the source menu to generate stub methods for any method of the Interface.

I'd like to do the same thing in Objective-C. For instance, if I declare a class that implements the 'NSCoding' protocol, I'd like to have Xcode automatically generate the methods required to implement this Protocol. It's frustrating to have to look-up and then copy/paste the signatures of the required methods every Protocol that I'm trying to implement.

I've been trying for awhile to find out if this is possible, but haven't found anything promising yet. Is this possible in XCode?

Best Answer

I believe that Accessorizer will do what you want.

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