R – your code maintenance strategy for custom SharePoint assemblies


How do you handle improvements and added functionality to your existing SharePoint code?

Did you deploy your original code as a feature?
Do you create a new feature_V2 and deactivate the original?

What processes have you found that led to problems in the future?

I am specifically interested about WebParts, EventHandlers, and WorkFlows.

From what I can find, MS did not leave a "Best Practices" around updating existing code. (Actually, I'm not sure they left a "Practice" much less a "Best Practices")

You can see other questions around this topic:

What is your method?

I understand this question may be subjective, but I feel there is a large information gap surrounding this area of SharePoint development.

Thank you,

Best Answer

We always deploy custom code as features and solutions. When it is time to upgrade the existing code, all you have to do is stsadm -upgradesolution and everything works very nicely. I do not like the idea of having feature_v2 type features around...it makes it extremely difficult to keep track of the current version. I think you should only have one version of each feature in your production environment.

Leave the version control to your source control system.