Zend form decorators


Having (more) issues with zend form decorators. I've got this so far:

Reset overall form decorator:

    $this->setDecorators(array('FormElements', 'Form'));

I'm adding all my elements to a display group that i want to be inside a fieldset, within a DL

            array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl')),

all working so far, now i want to place an image tag immediately before the fieldset. on its own this would work:


but this doesnt (it stops the DL being added inside the fieldset):

            array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl')),

Where am i going wrong?

Best Answer

Wheh you create the HtmlTag decorators, give them names. Here's an example from my code:

protected $_fileElementDecorator = array(
    array(array('Value'=>'HtmlTag'), array('tag'=>'span','class'=>'value')),
    array(array('Field'=>'HtmlTag'), array('tag'=>'div','class'=>'field file')),

As you can see, I named the first one 'Value', and the second one 'Field'. Naming them also gives you the ability to reference the decorator later, like this:

$file = $form->getElement('upload_file');
$decorator = $file->getDecorator('Field');
$options = $decorator->getOptions();
$options['id'] = 'field_' . $file->getId();
if ($file->hasErrors()) {
    $options['class'] .= ' errors';
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