Ruby-on-rails – Rails form validation conditional bypass


I have a rails model that validates uniqueness of 2 form values. If these 2 values aren't unique the validation errors are shows and the "submit" button is changed to "resubmit". I want to allow a user to click the "resubmit" button and bypass the model validation. I want to do something like this from the rails validation documentation:

validates_uniqueness_of :value, :unless => { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }

but I don't have a a value in my model that I can check for…just the params that have the "Resubmit" value.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Best Answer

In my opinion this is the best way to do it:

class FooBar < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_uniqueness_of :foo, :bar, :unless => :force_submit
  attr_accessor :force_submit

then in your view, make sure you name the submit tag like

<%= submit_tag 'Resubmit', :name => 'foo_bar[force_submit]' %>

this way, all the logic is in the model, controller code will stay the same.