Reactjs: how to modify dynamic child component state or props from parent


I'm essentially trying to make tabs in react, but with some issues.

Here's file page.jsx

    <Button title="A" />
    <Button title="B" />

When you click on button A, the RadioGroup component needs to de-select button B.

"Selected" just means a className from a state or property

Here's RadioGroup.jsx:

module.exports = React.createClass({

    onChange: function( e ) {
        // How to modify children properties here???

    render: function() {
        return (<div onChange={this.onChange}>


The source of Button.jsx doesn't really matter, it has a regular HTML radio button that triggers the native DOM onChange event

The expected flow is:

  • Click on Button "A"
  • Button "A" triggers onChange, native DOM event, which bubbles up to RadioGroup
  • RadioGroup onChange listener is called
  • RadioGroup needs to de-select button B. This is my question.

Here's the main problem I'm encountering: I cannot move <Button>s into RadioGroup, because the structure of this is such that the children are arbitrary. That is, the markup could be

    <Button title="A" />
    <Button title="B" />


    <OtherThing title="A" />
    <OtherThing title="B" />

I've tried a few things.

Attempt: In RadioGroup's onChange handler:

React.Children.forEach( this.props.children, function( child ) {

    // Set the selected state of each child to be if the underlying <input>
    // value matches the child's value

    child.setState({ selected: child.props.value === });



Invalid access to component property "setState" on exports at the top
level. See react-warning-descriptors . Use a static method
instead: <exports />.type.setState(...)

Attempt: In RadioGroup's onChange handler:

React.Children.forEach( this.props.children, function( child ) {

    child.props.selected = child.props.value ===;


Problem: Nothing happens, even I give the Button class a componentWillReceiveProps method

Attempt: I attempted to pass some specific state of the parent to the children, so I can just update the parent state and have the children respond automatically. In the render function of RadioGroup:

React.Children.forEach( this.props.children, function( item ) {
    this.transferPropsTo( item );
}, this);


Failed to make request: Error: Invariant Violation: exports: You can't call
transferPropsTo() on a component that you don't own, exports. This usually
means you are calling transferPropsTo() on a component passed in as props
or children.

Bad solution #1: Use react-addons.js cloneWithProps method to clone the children at render time in RadioGroup to be able to pass them properties

Bad solution #2: Implement an abstraction around HTML / JSX so that I can pass in the properties dynamically (kill me):

<RadioGroup items=[
    { type: Button, title: 'A' },
    { type: Button, title: 'B' }
]; />

And then in RadioGroup dynamically build these buttons.

This question doesn't help me because I need to render my children without knowing what they are

Best Answer

I am not sure why you say that using cloneWithProps is a bad solution, but here is a working example using it.

var Hello = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <div>Hello {}</div>;

var App = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
            <Group ref="buttonGroup">
                <Button key={1} name="Component A"/>
                <Button key={2} name="Component B"/>
                <Button key={3} name="Component C"/>

var Group = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            selectedItem: null

    selectItem: function(item) {
            selectedItem: item

    render: function() {
        var selectedKey = (this.state.selectedItem && this.state.selectedItem.props.key) || null;
        var children =, i) {
            var isSelected = item.props.key === selectedKey;
            return React.addons.cloneWithProps(item, {
                isSelected: isSelected,
                selectItem: this.selectItem,
                key: item.props.key
        }, this);

        return (
                <strong>Selected:</strong> {this.state.selectedItem ? : 'None'}


var Button = React.createClass({
    handleClick: function() {

    render: function() {
        var selected = this.props.isSelected;
        return (
                className={selected ? "selected" : ""}
                {} ({this.props.key}) {selected ? "<---" : ""}


React.renderComponent(<App />, document.body);

Here's a jsFiddle showing it in action.

EDIT: here's a more complete example with dynamic tab content : jsFiddle

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