Receiving Data on an ICMP socket


When receiving on an ICMP socket, (SOCK_RAW with IPPROTO_ICMP), since
there is no concept of "port" in the ICMP protocol, how can an
application determine that a received packet is not part of some other
TCP/UDP/whatever socket transmission that is also happening at the
same time?

For example, suppose you have an application with 2 threads. Thread 1
sets up a TCP server socket, and continuously receives data from a
connected client. Thread 2 continuously sends echo request packets
(ping) to the same client using an ICMP socket, and then receives echo
replys. What is to prevent Thread 2 from receiving one of the TCP
packets instead?

Best Answer

ICMP is a different protocol from TCP and UDP, as determined by the protocol field in the IP header. When you open a socket with IPPROTO_ICMP, you're telling the socket to transmit and receive only packets with IP headers whose protocol field is set to ICMP.

Similarly, sockets opened with IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_UDP respond only to packets whose IP headers contain a protocol field that is set to TCP or UDP, respectively.

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